
IFAC unveils toolkit to boost PAOs’ strategic planning initiatives.

1 min read

IFAC Professional Accountancy Organisation Strategy Planning Toolkit


IFAC has launched a Professional Accountancy Organisation Strategy Planning Toolkit to help PAOs develop coherent strategies and operating models. The toolkit was launched at a workshop in Mauritius and aims to assist PAOs at all stages of strategic planning.

Key Points:

  • IFAC releases Professional Accountancy Organisation Strategy Planning Toolkit
  • Toolkit designed to help PAOs develop and refine strategic plans

IFAC has launched the Professional Accountancy Organisation Strategy Planning Toolkit to assist Public Accountancy Organisations (PAO) in developing coherent strategies and operating models. The toolkit is aimed at PAOs at all stages of developing a strategic plan and provides guidance for updating and refining existing plans.

The toolkit was launched in Mauritius at a workshop co-hosted by IFAC’s PAO Development Advisory Group and the Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA). Over 50 PAO leaders participated in the workshop as part of PAFA’s AGM. IFAC CEO Lee White emphasized the importance of a strong strategic plan for PAOs to navigate evolving challenges and opportunities successfully.

Before the official release of the toolkit, several PAOs, including the Emirates Association for Accountants & Auditors (EAAA), trialed the toolkit and reported improvements in their strategic planning processes. EAAA chair Saif Bin Abed mentioned that the organization saw considerable improvement in strategic planning after using the toolkit for a few months.

EAAA vice chair Ahmed Darwish also highlighted the effectiveness of the toolkit in creating an agile environment within the organization and enabling quick responses to business variables, ultimately promoting sustainable growth.

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