
Grifols halted as €457 million accounting adjustments made.

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Yahoo, as part of the Yahoo family of brands, uses cookies to provide its sites and applications, authenticate users, apply security measures, prevent spam and abuse, and measure user activity. By clicking “Accept All,” users agree to allow Yahoo and its partners, including those in the IAB Europe Transparency and Consent Framework, to store and use information on their device for personalized advertising and content. Users can click “Refuse All” to opt out of this, or “Manage Privacy Settings” to customize their choices.

Key Points:

  • Yahoo is part of the Yahoo family of brands, including Yahoo and AOL, as well as Yahoo Advertising.
  • Cookies are used for various purposes, such as providing sites and applications, authenticating users, applying security measures, and measuring user activity.
  • By clicking “Accept All,” users allow Yahoo and its partners to store and use information for personalized advertising and content.
  • Users can click “Refuse All” or “Manage Privacy Settings” to customize their data usage preferences.

When using Yahoo sites and applications, cookies are employed to enhance user experience by customizing content and advertising based on user preferences. These cookies are used to store and read information on the user’s device, including precise geolocation and IP address. By accepting the use of cookies, users are allowing Yahoo and its partners to collect and utilize this information for personalized advertising and data analysis purposes.

However, users have the option to refuse the use of cookies and opt out of data tracking by clicking on “Refuse All.” Additionally, users can manage their privacy settings by clicking on “Manage Privacy Settings,” enabling them to control the information shared and the type of advertising displayed to them.

Yahoo emphasizes the importance of user privacy and transparency in data usage. By providing options for users to customize their data preferences, Yahoo aims to create a more personalized and user-friendly experience on its platform.

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