
Accountants unleash epic transformations in Connecting Plots’ campaign.

1 min read

TLDR: Chartered Accountants ‘Make Epic Things Happen’ Campaign

Key Points:

  • Advertisement developed by Connecting Plots aims to address shortages of accountants, auditors, and finance professionals
  • Campaign targets Gen Z to change perceptions of careers in accounting and attract more people to the profession

Chartered Accountants ANZ (CA ANZ) has launched a new ‘Make Epic Things Happen’ advertisement to address critical shortages in the accounting profession. The campaign, developed by Connecting Plots, is playing in cinemas across Australia and New Zealand and is supported by a 6-month digital out-of-home, social media, and digital advertising campaign. The advertisement aims to highlight the vital role that accountants play in various industries, from sports to gaming, and attract more talent to the profession. CA ANZ’s CEO, Ainslie van Onselen, emphasizes the importance of filling the talent pipeline in the face of declining student enrollments in accounting degrees. The campaign aims to change perceptions of accounting among young people and promote the profession through various initiatives, including partnerships with schools and career fairs.

The campaign is supported by research that shows a growing demand for accounting, audit, and finance professionals while supply is shrinking. CA ANZ’s commitment to supporting an inclusive and fair profession that meets the aspirations of next-generation talent is reflected in the campaign’s messaging and outreach efforts. By targeting Gen Z through cinemas, social media, and other channels, CA ANZ hopes to attract more young people to the accounting profession and address the talent shortages facing the industry. The campaign’s colorful and engaging approach reflects the importance of accounting in driving epic things to happen behind the scenes of various businesses and industries.

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