
CPA Exam now available in the Philippines!

1 min read


  • The U.S. CPA Exam is now being offered in the Philippines, allowing candidates to take the exam locally and reduce costs and travel time.
  • The expansion of the CPA Exam to the Philippines is part of a global trend to offer the exam in more countries to accommodate the increasing globalization of business.

Key Elements:

The U.S. CPA Exam is now available in the Philippines, providing candidates in the country with the opportunity to become licensed Certified Public Accountants in the United States. This expansion of testing availability is part of a larger trend to offer the exam in more countries to accommodate the increasing globalization of business. The exam is seen as a valuable professional designation that demonstrates the necessary accounting and business skills for working in a global economy.

The American Institute of CPAs and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, in partnership with their test provider Prometric, currently offer the U.S. CPA Exam in 18 countries aside from the Philippines. Effective July 1, 2024, CPA candidates in the Philippines can register for the exam, with Prometric operating three testing centers within the country. This move aims to reduce costs and travel time for candidates who would otherwise need to travel to testing centers outside the country.

In addition to expanding testing availability, the AICPA and the Philippines Institute of CPAs have agreed to share continuing professional education (CPE) courses and access to conferences and live events. The new version of the U.S. CPA Exam consists of three core sections and one selectable discipline section, providing candidates with a choice to specialize in a particular area of accounting.

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