
GAO uncovers $2B more for Ukraine military aid.

1 min read


– The Government Accountability Office found an additional $2 billion in military aid that can go to Ukraine’s defense.

– The miscalculations in the value of weaponry sent to Ukraine led to the increase in funding.

Key Elements of the Article:

According to a report by the Government Accountability Office, the United States has found an additional $2 billion in military aid that can be provided to Ukraine to support its defense efforts against Russia. This finding comes after miscalculations in the value of weaponry sent to Ukraine were uncovered, increasing the Pentagon’s budget to supply aid to the country by this additional amount.

The United States has been a major backer of Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, providing over $53 billion in military assistance. The miscalculations in the value of defense articles sent to Ukraine were discovered last year, leading to a reevaluation of funds appropriated to support the country’s defense efforts.

The report identified that the majority of the miscalculations were related to items such as spare parts, ammunition, and missiles known as OM&S. The Department of Defense valued some of these items not based on their actual value at the time they were taken from U.S. stockpiles, resulting in overvaluation.

To prevent further miscalculations in military aid provided to Ukraine, the GAO recommended that Congress clarify the definition of “value” regarding the president’s drawdown authority and that the Pentagon create specific guidance for drawdown authority.

President Joe Biden has previously authorized numerous drawdowns to support Ukraine, with a total value of nearly $24 billion. The report also highlighted historical data on the use of drawdown authority since its establishment in 1961, indicating the significant support provided to various countries over the years.

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