
Get ready for growth! Tune in to Amplify, Episode 7.

1 min read


  • Amplify! podcast by AAM focuses on digital lead generation for accounting firms
  • Stacy Dreher from James Moore shares insights on qualifying leads

Key Elements of the Article:

In the latest season of the Amplify! podcast by the Association for Accounting Marketing (AAM), host Chris Camara delves into digital lead generation with industry experts. Over seven episodes, strategies to improve advertising, SEO, and content are discussed. In the final episode, Stacy Dreher, AAM’s Marketer of the Year, emphasizes the importance of qualifying leads efficiently by collaborating with sales teams and responding promptly.

The article also highlights recent developments in the accounting industry, such as HCVT’s COO retirement, the rise of generative AI, and the adoption of nonequity partnerships by accounting firms. It also features announcements from companies like CLA Global, ORBA, and MaloneBailey, showcasing industry trends and expansions.

Additionally, the IPA offers valuable resources like the IPA Top 500 Best of the Best Surveys Reports and the annual IPA Practice Management Report. These publications provide in-depth insights into IT, HR, and firm administration, making them essential for accounting professionals seeking to stay informed about industry trends.

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