
Get ready for National Chartered Accountant (CA) Day 2024!

1 min read


Key Points:

  • National Chartered Accountant (CA) Day is celebrated on July 1st annually.
  • It honors the founding of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) in 1949.

National Chartered Accountant (CA) Day is a celebration held on July 1st in India to honor the founding of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) in 1949. This day recognizes the significant role that chartered accountants play in shaping the economic and financial ecosystem of the country. The ICAI, as the exclusive licensing and regulatory authority for accounting and financial auditing in India, is one of the oldest and most respected financial organizations in the country.

In 2024, National Chartered Accountant Day fell on a Monday, marking the 76th year of celebration. The ICAI, established in 1949 through a parliamentary act, is the world’s second-largest professional organization for chartered accountants. The day is significant for the accounting and finance communities as it acknowledges the invaluable contributions of CAs to the financial and economic growth of the country. Chartered accountants provide vital services such as auditing, taxation, financial analysis, and risk management, and the day is a way to show gratitude for their dedication and expertise.

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