
Judge demands Farmington Valley developer comply with funding accounting order.

1 min read

The Farmington Valley developer, William Ferrigno, who is accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from residents of Cambridge Crossing, a Simsbury development, may face a contempt of court charge if he fails to comply with a judge’s order by mid-January. The residents are suing Ferrigno and his company, Sunlight Construction, and are asking to regain control of their homeowners association (HOA) from Ferrigno. They claim to have collectively paid tens of thousands of dollars to the HOA but have no idea how the money has been used.

Last month, a judge ordered Ferrigno to turn over control of the HOA to the residents and provide a full accounting of all funds. However, if he does not comply by January 18, he may face a contempt of court charge.

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Developer ordered to comply with accounting funds, says judge in Farmington Valley.

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