
Samantha Bowling: IPA extraordinaire. MP, GWCPA recognized.

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IPA Profile: Samantha Bowling Summary


  • Samantha Bowling of GWCPA is focused on eliminating busy season by shifting the focus to client value and moving towards value-based billing.
  • She aims to solidify her firm’s position as a trailblazer by implementing strategic initiatives and focusing on specialization and advisory services.

Samantha Bowling, Managing Partner of GWCPA, has been in business for 75 years and leads a team of 16 with a net revenue of $2.8 million. The biggest challenge facing her firm is to eliminate busy season by focusing on client value and shifting towards value-based billing. Technology automation in the industry is pushing the firm to elevate their staff to a higher level of service. In the next two to three years, GWCPA aims to be a role model for small firms by focusing on specialization, training, growth pathways, and innovation of internal accounting systems for their clients.

Bowling emphasizes the need for the accounting profession to innovate and help clients innovate to stay relevant in the rapidly changing landscape. She believes that firms that refuse to adopt technology and innovate will become extinct. She also stresses the importance of succession planning and compensating for innovation and non-billable time in firms.

As a leader, Bowling is motivated by making things better for the next generation of CPAs and has worked towards transforming Garbelman Winslow CPAs into GWCPA over the past 25 years. She envisions a future where busy season disappears, and accountants engage in real-time financial consultation with clients. Bowling recommends the books “Together is Better” by Simon Sinek and “Getting Naked” by Patrick Lencioni to other leaders in the profession.

Her proudest professional achievement is the transformation of GWCPA into a forward-thinking firm that focuses on client value and innovation. She believes that her legacy is secure, and GWCPA is positioned to succeed for another 75+ years. Bowling’s advice to those entering the profession is to be the voice of change, inquire about succession plans, and always say YES to opportunities for growth.

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