
Welcome to the Golden Age of Feedback!

1 min read


Terrell Turner of the TLTurner Group explains the Golden Age process, a unique employee performance review system that focuses on setting clear metrics, providing regular feedback, and painting a clear picture of what performance levels look like. The process involves three stages – recruiting, talent development, and succession planning, all with the goal of keeping employees engaged and performing at their best. The onboarding process is also crucial, with a 45-day plan designed to set new hires up for success from the start.

Key Elements:

  • Terrell Turner introduces the Golden Age process for employee reviews
  • The process involves setting clear metrics, providing regular feedback, and establishing performance levels
  • Focus is on three stages of talent cycle: recruiting, talent development, and succession planning
  • Onboarding process is crucial for setting new hires up for success

The article highlights the importance of intentional employee performance reviews, setting clear goals tied to company objectives, and involving current staff in the onboarding process to ensure new hires are successful from day one. The Golden Age process offers a structured approach to employee development and engagement, ultimately leading to a more productive and satisfied workforce.

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