
Your Daily Accounting Briefing – 2024-04-22

1 min read

Let’s see what’s in the news today.

Deep Dive: Uber’s Accounting Data Testing Strategies

The financial accounting services platform at Uber operates at an internet scale– approximately 1.5 billion journal entries (JEs) per day and 120 million transactions per day via ETL and data processing at a throughput of 2,500 queries per second [on average]. In our experience, standard off-the-shelf accounting systems cannot support such scale and scope of transactions of our growing platform.

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Remote partners open up new markets

Some remote partners act as a beachhead in new markets, allowing access to clients far beyond a firm’s local geography.

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Becoming a remote partner

The process of becoming a remote partner isn’t much different from the traditional path — but it may take a little extra effort.

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Tackling taxes: Accounting students serve community through VITA clinic

Community income tax clinic gives Marquette accounting students hands-on client experience.

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Global accounting standard launched to aid investor analysis

New rules have been unveiled to improve companies’ financial performance reporting and give investors a better basis for analysing and comparing firms.

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New global accounting standard enhances investor analysis capabilities

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Remote partners: revolutionizing tomorrow’s work relationships?

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